2024 dates and enrolment’s now open!

A flexible school with a grounded and educated approach to Kinesiology servicing South East Melbourne, Gippsland, The Yarra Ranges & Dandenong Ranges.

Becoming a Kinesiologist

Becoming a kinesiologist isn’t just about acquiring a new skill or moulding oneself to meet the criteria of a new modality.


It’s about opening the door to a whole new way of engaging with life; one that emerges from your own values and the way kinesiology invites you deeper into the body.

Some students find themselves inspired by the structural side of the science, where others are enveloped into the potential for emotional empowerment. Some find deep purpose in using it to provide pain relief, where as others love leading the age recession techniques and looking at the timelines that hint to whatever has hindered our energy.

However the science of kinesiology speaks to you, it will be in her subtle cues that you’ll reveal your own story together. 

And studying her is where the story gets to begin!

One where the practical meets the energetic, and a deep respect for the body is what guides your path - both personally and professionally.

One where you’re held by a professional standard so that kinesiology can create the unique connection she wants to have with you. 

And one where you can put to rest the pressure of simply ‘passing’ and instead purposely enter a learning environment that sustains your excitement and leaves you embodying your own understanding.

However you choose to enter the field of kinesiology, whether there’s a deep curiosity or a fear of the unknown, know that studying her is like coming into the right relationship with your own compass. 


Learning how to clear the channel of communication within oneself and those that you care about, so that there’s no longer any confusion between you and the body. Your Chi life force energy is given a chance to flow fast and freely, and the body finally gets to have a voice.


It’s one thing to know the holistic nature of our bodies, and another to entrust ourselves with the gift of finally being able to use it to our advantage. Our health really does begin to feel like it’s in our own hands, and we get to pass that wisdom on to our communities and our families. 

what’s on the inside?

A community of humans from all walks of life - nurses, physios, mums, IT professionals, those with bodywork experience and those with none. 

 Here, we’re coming together to create a new world support system where people are back in the driver’s seat of their lives, learning the art, technique and presence that is needed to circulate empowerment back out into our families and communities. The ripple effect of this will be felt far and wide, and if your curiosity has led you here, then there’s no doubt that you’re being asked to be a part of that.

Created to fit within school hours and family friendly lifestyles, my school is here to support absolutely everyone, no matter your preferred learning style. Local or interstate, there are options to elevate your experience so you get to enjoy the process of empowering yourself with these holistic techniques.

WHy pkp Kinesiology?

Grounded in the study of anatomy and physiology, PKP Kinesiology provides an ethical foundation and professional standard to this holistic approach of connecting humans with their most embodied state of balance.  

It’s the basis of building your experience as a kinesiologist with reverence for both the physical and energetic, with strong ethics behind you and techniques steeped in science. Both registration and insurance are available to you upon completion and you’ll have the confidence to not only discover the type of kinesiologist you want to be, but boldly step into your community and family with a deep respect for it’s magic.

PKP Kinesiology Certifications

INtro to PKP Kinesiology

Starts in February 2024

The intro to PKP Kinesiology allows you to take the first unit of the certificate BKP101 so that you can experience some empowering foundational techniques without the commitment to further study. Here we go over 14 easy-to-learn self-care and energising balancing techniques that are powerful energy-activating systems. You will have the ability to shift congestion, relieve pain, calm and soothe, clear the head, increase strength and endurance, improve circulation and release forgotten and pent-up tension from the body with both light touch, firm stimulation and learning how to bring about more emotional awareness and much more.

The intro to PKP Kinesiology empowers you to take care of your needs every day and also experience techniques and their results on yourself before working on others.

This is a fantastic starting point for your Kinesiology journey.

Prerequisites: None

Duration: 2 weeks. 1 x 2 day classes, completing 20 hours of study in total.
This includes your homework, attending class and an online multiple choice questions test.

This intro to PKP Kinesiology doesn’t qualify you as a stand-alone practitioner and can only be used for self-development purposes.

  • 1. Definitions of Kinesiology and allopathy

    2. Anatomical and health terminology

    3. Meridians

    4. Neuro-Lymphatic (NL) reflexes

    5. Neuro-Emotional (NE) reflexes

    6. Neuro-Vascular (NV) reflexes

    7. Whole body self-testing

    8. Walking gait reflexes

    9. Emotional Stress Release (ESR)

    10. PKP Wheel of Emotions

    11. Cross crawl ( Integration )

    12. Auricular energy

    13. Visual inhibition

    14. Goals

    15. ‘Time of day’ balance

    • This introduction unit requires a Student Assessment Journal to be printed off and handed in. You will fill your SAJ in during class time and as homework.

    • A multiple-choice online test of 10 questions is required for each unit.

  • The format requires both online webinars, home study and two practical days in class per unit. This ensures a spacious and confident learning experience.

    We have a wonderful Kinesiology + app that has been developed specifically for PKP Students to enhance your learning experience.

    Your class days are planned well in advance and can be found on our enrolment form. Please request to see this.

    If you cannot attend a practical day due to prior commitments please discuss this with your teacher.

    There are several catch up days scheduled through out the year to help you integrate the techniques that you have learnt.

PKP Practitioner Certification - high level wellness and vitality therapy

Starts in February 2024

This is our self-development entry-level qualification in the International Certification in High-Level Wellness and Vitality Therapy. It is a great introduction to PKP Kinesiology and includes the study of the foundational principles of PKP Kinesiology.

Over the course of 6 months, you will study 6 units with both in-class practical days, home study and an off-campus provider.

Upon completion, you will successfully be able to use Kinesiology reflexes and acupuncture reflexes, perform an eight muscle energy balance, 14 muscle energy balance, use yin/yang principles, perform five elements one point goal balances, five elements emotional energy balancing, do appropriate pre & post testing, observe cautionary measures, select appropriate balancing procedures and use professional body contact.

Prerequisites: None

Duration: 6 months. 6 x 2 day classes, completing 150 hours of study in total.
This certificate can be used towards your CPD points.

Student insurance: You can obtain student insurance with this certificate through IICT if you have proof of intended further study in PKP Kinesiology. A minimum of 425hrs of study ( The Level 1 in Kinesiopratic ) is required to receive insurance as a stand alone practitioner.

  • 1. Definitions of Kinesiology and allopathy

    2. Anatomical and health terminology

    3. Meridians

    4. Neuro-Lymphatic (NL) reflexes

    5. Neuro-Emotional (NE) reflexes

    6. Neuro-Vascular (NV) reflexes

    7. Whole body self-testing

    8. Walking gait reflexes

    9. Emotional Stress Release (ESR)

    10. PKP Wheel of Emotions

    11. Cross crawl ( Integration )

    12. Auricular energy

    13. Visual inhibition

    14. Goals

    15. ‘Time of day’ balance

  • 1. Touching

    2. Pre-Evaluation Procedure

    3. Indicator muscle (IM) test procedure

    4. Clear circuit muscle testing

    5. Switched energy testing

    6. Dehydration tests

    7. Central meridian integrity

    8. Ionisation balance

    9. Thymus energy pre/post test audit

    10. Skeletal system

    11. Origin and insertion

    12. Spindle cells and Golgi tendons

    13. Energiser goal balance

  • 1. 5-Element principles

    2. Circuit Locating (CL-ing)

    3. 8 Yin muscle balance

    4. Introduction to 5 elements emotions

    5. Vertebral reflexes

    6. Challenging procedures

    7. Retesting or pretests

    8. Strengthening muscles with food

    9. 5 Element colour balance

    10. 5 Element sound balance

    11. Selecting and appropriate balance

    1. Major organs of the body

    2. Yang muscles

    3. Yin/Yang 14 Muscle balance

    4. Body movements

    5. Surrogation for a client

    6. Surrogation for muscles

    7. Surrogation for structures

    8. Principles and philosophy of applied kinesiology

    9. Wheel rules

    10. Priority and More modes

    11. Create a basic client health record

  • 1. 5-Element theory - in depth. Luo points and command points

    2. Accumulation point balance

    3. Acupressure holding points

    4. Yin/Yang relationships

    5. Body Polarity

    6. 5-element tap

    7. Alarm points and over energy

    8. 5 element Ko and Sheng cycle meridian balance

    9. Full 5-element emotional chart

    10. 12 extra indicator muscles

    11. Sport, exercise and muscle action

    12. Balance using additional muscles

    1. Prepare for and establish clinical body contact

    2. Maintain clinical body contact

    3. Cease body contact in a clinical manner

    4. Describe and demonstrate a palpatory sense

    5. Use palpation to assess the client

    6. Surface anatomy

    7. Basic massage strokes

    8. Specific massage

    9. Additional techniques

    10. Deep tissue massage and pain spasm

    11. Contraindications and modifications to massage

    12. Aromatherapy and massage

    13. Spinal integration

    • Each unit requires a Student Assessment Journal to be printed off and handed in. You will fill your SAJ in during class time and as homework.

    • A multiple-choice online test of 10 questions is required for each unit.

  • The format requires both online webinars, home study and two practical days in class per unit. This ensures a spacious and confident learning experience.

    We have a wonderful Kinesiology + app that has been developed specifically for PKP Students to enhance your learning experience.

    Your class days are planned well in advance and can be found on our enrolment form. Please request to see this.

    If you cannot attend a practical day due to prior commitments please discuss this with your teacher.

    There are several catch up days scheduled through out the year to help you integrate the techniques that you have learnt.

PKP Practitioner Certification - Kinesiopractic® level 1

Starts in February 2024

This is our Level 1 Kinesiopratic qualification in the International Certification of Professional Kinesiology Practice and is an approved course with the International Institute for Complimentary Therapies (IICT) allowing you to obtain your professional indemnity insurance.

Over the course of 8 months, you will study an extra 6 units with both in-class practical days, home study and an off-campus provider. The Level 1 Certification also includes clinical practice client sessions, required personal PKP kinesiology sessions with a qualified PKP Practitioner, supervised student clinic, anatomy & physiology 1 and compulsory first aid and resuscitation
( external provider )

Upon completion, you will successfully be able to use PKP Kinesiology finger moding system and do full balancing protocols. This is where you learn that the practitioner doesn’t have the answer, but in fact, the client’s body does and it is the body that dictates the direction of the balance. You will personalise your code of ethics, and boundaries and understand Kinesiology industry standards

Prerequisites: Certification in High-Level Wellness and Vitality Therapy

Duration: Additional 8 months. 6 x 2 day classes.
Completion of 500 hours of study which includes the prerequisite.

  • Home study unit.
    This unit provides a simple, basic introduction to Anatomy and Physiology and teaches the use of medical terminology to communicate with clients, fellow workers and professionals.

    1. The language of medicine

    2. The human organism - chemical, cellular, tissue, organ and organ systems,

    3. Nervous system

    4. Musculoskeletal system

    5. 9 systems of the body

    6. Special senses

    7. Muscles of the body

    8. Anatomical and medical terminology

  • 1. Definitions of Kinesiology and allopathy

    2. Anatomical and health terminology

    3. Meridians

    4. Neuro-Lymphatic (NL) reflexes

    5. Neuro-Emotional (NE) reflexes

    6. Neuro-Vascular (NV) reflexes

    7. Whole body self-testing

    8. Walking gait reflexes

    9. Emotional Stress Release (ESR)

    10. PKP Wheel of Emotions

    11. Cross crawl ( Integration )

    12. Auricular energy

    13. Visual inhibition

    14. Goals

    15. ‘Time of day’ balance

  • 1. Touching

    2. Pre-Evaluation Procedure

    3. Indicator muscle (IM) test procedure

    4. Clear circuit muscle testing

    5. Switched energy testing

    6. Dehydration tests

    7. Central meridian integrity

    8. Ionisation balance

    9. Thymus energy pre/post test audit

    10. Skeletal system

    11. Origin and insertion

    12. Spindle cells and Golgi tendons

    13. Energiser goal balance

  • 1. 5-Element principles

    2. Circuit Locating (CL-ing)

    3. 8 Yin muscle balance

    4. Introduction to 5 elements emotions

    5. Vertebral reflexes

    6. Challenging procedures

    7. Retesting or pretests

    8. Strengthening muscles with food

    9. 5 Element colour balance

    10. 5 Element sound balance

    11. Selecting and appropriate balance

    1. Major organs of the body

    2. Yang muscles

    3. Yin/Yang 14 Muscle balance

    4. Body movements

    5. Surrogation for a client

    6. Surrogation for muscles

    7. Surrogation for structures

    8. Principles and philosophy of applied kinesiology

    9. Wheel rules

    10. Priority and More modes

    11. Create a basic client health record

  • 1. 5-Element theory - in depth. Luo points and command points

    2. Accumulation point balance

    3. Acupressure holding points

    4. Yin/Yang relationships

    5. Body Polarity

    6. 5-element tap

    7. Alarm points and over energy

    8. 5 element Ko and Sheng cycle meridian balance

    9. Full 5-element emotional chart

    10. 12 extra indicator muscles

    11. Sport, exercise and muscle action

    12. Balance using additional muscles

    1. Listening to understand

    2. Working effectively with others

    3. Contraindications to Kinesiology balances

    4. Temporal Tapping

    5. Eye positions/rotations

    6. The history of finger modes

    7. Simplified PKP *TM database and finger modes

    8. Age recession / progression

    9. Phases of balancing protocol

    10. Simple PKP *TM protocol

    1. Pre and post test pain evaluation

    2. Pain site and frontal eminences - body scan

    3. Meridian flow adjustment

    4. Meridian walking for pain relief

    5. Muscle energy pain relievers

    6. Specific neuromuscular reset technique

    7. Energy stroking

    8. Crosscrawl as a pain reliever

    9. Integration for pain relief

    10. Figure 8 energy for pain relief

    11. Pulses

    12. Pain-tapping

    13. Postural stress release

    14. Marine (shell) spiral energy balance

    15. Relieving pain with food

    16. One point balance for pain

    17. The rationale for use of specific pain reliever exercise

    18. Utilise techniques in the PKP Balancing Protocol

    1. History of Kinesiology

    2. Our food supply

    3. Reality: too many calories too few nutrients

    4. Biocompatibility

    5. Using C1 sensitivity test and ear acc-point

    6. Balancing muscle energy with biogenic food

    7. Chain of life

    8. Six stages of nutrition

    9. Food combining

    10. Food rotation principles

    11. Diet using 5-Element and food family principles

    12. 5-Element nutritional balance

    13. Cautions and considerations

    14. A brief introduction to regenerative agriculture

    15. Utilise techniques in the PKP balancing protocol

    1. Facilitation and inhibition of muscles

    2. Circuit retaining mode

    3. Principles of reactivity

    4. Reactive muscles

    5. Reactive meridians

    6. Muscle stretch response

    7. Sustained muscle use

    8. Hidden muscle failure

    9. Specific circuits

    10. Contralateral spindles

    11. Postural observation analysis

    12. Utilise techniques in the PKP Protocol

    1. PKP - client history

    2. Client rapport

    3. Ethical behaviour in a health care context

    4. Consumer rights in a health care context

    5. Creating a PKP clinical record

    6. Update a PKP client health record

    7. Using a client health record and creating a case study

    8. PKP referrals

    9. Describe professionally conducted healthcare relationships

    10. Professional communication with individuals

    11. Professional communication with groups

    12. Setting clear boundaries in a professional manner

    13. Contributing to the development of Kinesiology

    14. Maintaining compliance with legal requirements

    15. Assessment Preparation

    1. Prepare for and establish clinical body contact

    2. Maintain clinical body contact

    3. Cease body contact in a clinical manner

    4. Describe and demonstrate a palpatory sense

    5. Use palpation to assess the client

    6. Surface anatomy

    7. Basic massage strokes

    8. Specific massage

    9. Additional techniques

    10. Deep tissue massage and pain spasm

    11. Contraindications and modifications to massage

    12. Aromatherapy and massage

    13. Spinal integration

  • 20 powerful stress-defusion techniques addressing the greatest weakness in most kinesiology training programs – stress management.

    • Anatomy and Physiology 1 home study unit

    • Attendance of all practical days. If you have made prior commitments please speak with your teacher to arrange an alternative.

    • Supervised clinic experience.

    • Attendance of a student clinic.

    • 5 Personal Kinesiology sessions with a certified PKP Practitioner

    • HLTAID011: First Aid & Resuscitation to be sourced externally.

    • Each unit requires a Student Assessment Journal to be printed off and handed in

    • A multiple choice online test of 10 questions is required to be completed for each unit

    • An oral exam

    • A practical exam demonstrating professional PKP Kinesiopractor skills.

  • The Level 1 Kinesiopractor Certificate takes approximately 14 months to complete. This is if you haven’t completed the prerequisite.

    The format requires both online webinars, home study and a practical day in class.

    The dates for your certificate are allocated for the entire 14 months so that you are aware of what days are class days well in advance.

    If you cannot attend a practical day please discuss this with your teacher.

    There are several catch-up days scheduled throughout the certificate to integrate the techniques that you have learned.

icPKP® Metaphysical & Vibrational Energies Certification program

Starts in February 2024

This is our Mastery of Vibrational Energy Fields and is a beautiful add-on to your Level 1 Kinesiopratic qualification.

Over the course of 4 months, you will study an extra 6 units with both in-class practical days, home study and an off-campus provider.

Upon completion, you will successfully be able to do protocols for miasmic inheritance, chakra healing with spiritual aspects, crystals, gemstones properties and essences, auric fields, energy spirals, third eye beaming, tissue salt use, homeopathic awareness, flower essence therapy with esocetric understanding.

Prerequisites: Kinesiopratic Level 1

Duration: 4 months. 6 x 2 day classes. Completion of 60 hours of study.

  • First aid for the soul. Learn how to manage your stress and have positive ‘‘helps’ that you can pass on to others.

    Stress release made easy is a K-power workshop and something that when you have taken twice that you can run as one of your own workshops.

  • Your DNA is not your destiny.

    The new epigenetic science reveals that your perceptions control you're biology, and this places you in the drivers seat. If you can chance your perceptions you can shape and direct your own genetic read out.

    Epigenetic healing cycles is a K-power workshop and something that when you have taken twice that you can run as one of your own workshops.

  • Looking and feeling better is one reason why we seek to improve our energy level. Low energy, fatigue, pain, loss of motivation are all signs that our body is functioning less than its best. ICPKP offer 5 energy systems which the Tibetans described and used.

    Tibetan energy and vitality is a K-power workshop and something that when you have taken twice that you can run as one of your own workshops.

  • 1. Flower essence therapy

    2. New perception, New Zealand Flower Essences

    3. ICPKP photo card balancing protocol

    4. Cooperation with nature

    5. Esoteric understanding

    6. Emotional repertory for the 72 new perception New Zealand Flower Essences

    7. Affirmations for the 72 new perception New Zealand Flower Essences

    8. History of Flower Essences

    9. Bach Flower Remedies

    10. Bach seven personality types

    11. Nose Bach flower points

    1. Inheritance factors

    2. Homeopathic awareness

    3. Tissue Salts

    4. Third eye beaming

    5. Spinal energy

    6. Crystal and gems

    7. Some gem affections and properties

    8. Chakra gemstones and properties

    9. Gem essences

    1. Chakras (nerve plexi)

    2. Reactive Chakras

    3. Auric fields

    4. Reactive auric fields

    5. Metamorphic Technique

    6. Right-left polarity

    1. Complete prerequisites

    2. Attend all practical classes

    3. 30 minute oral exam on material from VEF units

    4. Demonstrate a balance showing VEF finger modes

    5. Complete all Student assessment Journals

    6. Complete multiple choice online tests for each VEF units.

  • At Connecting Balance school of Kinesiology it is a prerequisite to finish the Level 1 Kinesiopratic certificate before attending Vibrational Energy Fields.

    The format requires both online webinars, home study and a practical day in class.

    The dates for your certificate are allocated ahead of time so that you are aware of what days are class days well in advance.

    If you cannot attend a practical day please discuss this with your teacher.

    There are several catch-up days scheduled throughout the certificate to integrate the techniques that you have learned.

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